“When Chinese people want to study, I want to make sure they come to Manchester University and make sure they also make use of the Manchester Business School China Centre in Shanghai,” said Mr. George Osborne, Chancellor of the Exchequer of UK at the Launching Ceremony of Manchester-China Forum on 26April.
The Manchester-China Forum is a new business-led initiative aimed at increasing Greater Manchester’s commercial connectivity, including trade and investment with China.
Manchester business school is one of the first business schools in the UK and becomes a global leading business education provider after nearly 50 years development. MBS China Centre which was launched in 2008 is committed to provide world-class business education opportunities to the Chinese people, continuously making contribution to the society and development of regional education.
In 2011, MBS China Centre received the award of “Top 10 MBA Program in China” and is the only foreign business school to win the award.
With more engagement between China and UK, MBS and its China Centre will be continuously playing an important role in forging UK links with China Business.
View more about Mr. Osborne’s speech:http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/business/business-news/george-osborne-manchesters-set-new-3181214