In this issue
Director's Message
New Dynamic of Economy 2019 | SORSA Voice
SORSA UoM Won People-to-people Diplomacy Project Grant
The Inauguration Ceremony of “My Future” Held in Shanghai
Goddess Festival | Women's "Energy Management" Sharing Salon
Career Consulting | Personal Brand and Elevator Pitch
Global MBA Workshop Taster | Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management
Contemporary Chinese Business Study Tour
Senior MBA Alumni Talk
Global MBA Workshop Taster | Negotiation Skills
Global MBA Information Session in Beijing
Beijing Alumni Mixer and Company Visit
Manchester GMBA Alumni Talk & Application Guidance
International Business Strategy Workshop Taster
Career Consulting | Personal Brand and Elevator Pitch

 On 18th March, 2019, students are invited for a Manchester- style career workshop to boost their employability and set them up for success through their life. During the speech, Ms. Naomi Balckwell, the Senior Careers Consultant from Alliance Manchester Business School, defined the concept of personal brand, demonstrating how important it is for internal progression as well as moving into the external job market.

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