In this issue
Season's Greetings from China Centre
Double Awards Won at China Outstanding Educators and Education Award Ceremony
Manchester Business School Wins Most Influential MBA Award 2016
China Centre wins Linkedin Award - Best Marketing Effect 2016
Manchester Business School receives “Most Influential MBA Brand in China 2016”
The University of Manchester China Centre Inauguration Ceremony
The Official Establishment of the University of Manchester Alumni Association Shanghai
China Centre Supports British Business Awards
Automobile Industry Talk with Alumni
Renmin - Manchester Global MBA Introductory Session
Online Webinar on Marketing
International Business by Prof. Charles Schell
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management by Dr. Leigh Wharton
Viral Marketing Lecture by Prof. Elaine Ferneley
Supply Chain Management by Dr. Antony Potter
Operations Management by Mr. Paul Taaffe
B2B Marketing by Prof. Peter Naudé
Alumni sharing on Complex Sales Strategy and Practice
Alumnus speaks on Mid-Age Career Development
In Conversation with Professor Khalid Nadvi
Global Careers Manager Ruth Mountain talk in Shanghai
MBA Alumnus Damir Kazykhanov talked on Global Innovation at China Centre
First UoM China Women in Leadership Forum on female Entrepreneurship
UoM Beijing Alumni Gathering – Celebration of Inauguration of UoM China Centre
China Centre alumni healthcare club industry sharing
In Conversation with Stuart Hyde at China Centre
Dr. Phil Galvin visited China Centre and met with alumni
Breakfast Networking Session
MBS Alumni Autumn Networking Reception
Leadership Forum - Session 4
Tips for Start-ups on Fundraising and Valuation
Decoding Innovation from Israel
Professor Stuart Hyde, Deputy Head at Alliance Manchester Business School speak to Shanghai Daily on Innovation
Prof. Elaine Ferneley, Global & MBA Director interviewed by Tecent
Sherry Fu talks about Manchester MBA as a truly Global programme for international talents
Dorothy Huang joined the team as Student Support Officer
Events in Centre
Sherry Fu talks about Manchester MBA as a truly Global programme for international talents
First established in1965 the University of Manchester’s MBA course hasbeen around for over half a century and boasts animpressive number of highly successful graduates,including the current Founding Director of theUniversity’s Shanghai Center, Sherry Fu.

“I was f irst tasked with setting up theUniversity’s Shanghai Centre back in 2008,” saysSherry. “At that time I was equipped only with anoffice, a laptop and some promotional materials fromthe University. We had to rent out classrooms fromother universities around Shanghai, but we workedhard to ensure that our students got the exact samelevel of education here as was available at our maincampus in Manchester. Since that day we’ve gone onto open our own education center, and have graduateda large number of students, myself included!”

As well as Shanghai, students on the MBAcourse also have the option to take electivecourses and core modules at the university’s otherinternational centers, including Hong Kong, Singapore,Sao Paolo, Dubai and, Manchester. In the long run thismeans that if a student’s company transfers them toanother country, they can continue doing their courseat a center more convenient to their new location.

Of course, quality control is a key point ofconcern for those looking to continue their studiesin China, and it’s something that the University ofManchester takes very seriously. “Everything wehave here is imported from the UK,” says Sherry.“We don’t recruit teachers locally, they’re all flownin from Manchester to give the necessary talks andworkshops. On top of that all of our exam papers,booklets, informational products and everything elseis shipped in from the UK,” says Sherry.“This costsus more than printing locally but it helps to ensurethat the educational experience our students receiveis identical to the one they’d receive at our maincampus.”

For those looking to show off their internationalexperience, The University of Manchester hasrecently partnered with Beijing’s Renmin University.This partnership, which comes just months afterChinese President Xi Jinping made his historic trip toManchester, allows MBA students the option to receivea joint-degree from a world class British university anda top Chinese university.

Since 2008, MBS has recruited more than 1,000students from more than 30 different countries andregions to study the Global part-time MBA at theShanghai Centre. Most are Chinese, and many arefrom Shanghai, Beijing and the Yangtze River Deltaregion. About 30% of students are expats who work orlive in China.“

We want our students to challenge authority, tothink hard, to think big and to think global,” said Fu.

A truly Global MBA
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