Dear students, alumni and friends of the Centre,
It has been an unusually cool summer in Shanghai, yet the enthusiasm has been unrivaled coming from our students and alumni. We had an excellent new cohort joining us this July while our graduating students attended graduation ceremony in Manchester. It is hugely satisfying to see the growth and aspiration of the alumni and students. In addition to Global MBA, series of blended-learning masters’ programme will be open for applications to aspiring professionals in China region.
Coming up next month, China Centre will be celebrating our 10th Anniversary. In 2008, the Centre was established as an overseas arm for the Business School’s part-time MBA programmes. In 2016, we were the first centre to be inaugurated as The University of Manchester Worldwide Centre by Prof. Dame Nancy Rothwell, President and Vice Chancellor of the University. The celebration will be comprised of a gala dinner, a social responsibility forum and complimented with amazing performances. We are honored to have invited our President Prof. Dame Nancy Rothwell, Mr. Matt Knowles, Director for East China at British Council, Mr. David Percival, Chairman of Manchester China Forum, Mr. Yuehua Chen, Director of Shanghai Municipal Government Creative Industry Office, along with outstanding business leaders from the alumni community and Centre’s long-term friends. We hope to see you at the celebration!
Sherry Fu
China Centre Director