MBS China Centre Alumni Careers and Events

Leadership Forum 3
校友活动:领导力 系列三


第二次领导力论坛上,同学们深感获益颇多,还有很多来不及分享讨论。别急,领导力系列第三波又将蓄势待发!继续由Simon Zhou引导全场,继上一场的两位有着丰富领导力经验的专家外援,这一次,我们又将邀请到一位重量级的外援嘉宾,给我们分享她的经验,如此近距离地深挖细聊,机会难得。8月20日晚,再一次头脑风暴,让我们继续约起!

Thank you for your contribution on the first two MBS Leadership Forums! We will invite you to join our 3rd MBS Leadership Forum. We are looking forward to seeing you if you are “ leading others”, “ leading managers” or “leading functions/organization in our 3rd  forum.

On Saturday evening of 20 August 2016, Manchester Business School China Centre is delighted to have Simon Zhou again, one of our outstanding alumni, to facilitate the whole leadership journey. This time, we are honored to invite Angela Wang, who is now Deputy General Manager in Giti Tire China, as our external guest speaker to join our 3rd MBS Leadership Forum. The panel discussion will be facilitated by Simon Zhou. She will focus on “ Leading teams”, as one leadership competency to share with us how she develops this competency by story-telling approach.

Please note that this forum is a highly interactive one - under Simon's step-by-step guidance, every participant will be heavily involved in the whole journey throughout the forum. 

MBS China Leadership Forum aims on a series basis in the future. Besides internal debate, observation, inspirations among alumni themselves, external senior leaders will be invited where appropriate in the future, to share with alumni their journey to leadership and enhance alumni's self-assessment and much clearer of future development.

The previous forums gained popularity among alumni. Some alumni have also contributed by either recording the whole forums, or volunteering as speakers, or recommending excellent external speakers to share their experiences and insights. The Leadership Forum is dedicated to bringing real-to-work leadership skills and experiences, and for alumni to share and grow together.

Event Details
Date:20 August, Saturday, 2016



18:00 - Registration & Networking
18:30 - Interactive Forum
20:30 - Close

Venue:MBS China Centre
Lecture Room II, Suite 604, West Offices, Shanghai Centre, 1376 Nanjing Road West
Languagemainly Chinese




(First come, first reserved.
If you've been reserved seats, but later not able to join. Please contact Alumni Office 5 days ahead to release the seats. Or, you will not be accepted for future related events.
The rest will be accepted only after any seats are released.)
Click Here for RSVP. Further information please contact Ms. Roya Zhang (Tel: +86 21 62798660 ext.5387 Email: roya.zhang@mbs-worldwide.ac.cn), External Relations in China Centre.

About Facilitator and Speaker

Simon Zhou

Corporate Talent Manager in a UK Chemical Company

Simon Zhou is our MBS Global MBA alumnus. He has a blending 10 years of management experience and expertise in the Talent Management, Leadership Development, Coaching & Mentoring, Human Resources Management. His style quickly brings the “conceptual” down to the “practical.” His high energy and ability to relate to participants results in meaningful, relevant experiences. His ability, to flex and adapt to the needs of groups and cultures, ensures that participants understand and are able to apply their learning to their leadership roles and responsibilities.

As an experienced facilitator, he provides insight through open, frank discussions that result in clear actions for the feedback receiver. 

Angela Wang
Deputy General Manager, Giti Tire China

Angela Wang is leading marketing function as Deputy General Manager in Giti Tire China. Before she joined Giti, she worked in other multinational companies including Johnson Controls, Shell Group, Kimberly-Clark and so on. With a focus in Automotive Aftermarket, she has proven track records in business planning, marketing strategy and brand commerce development.

Angela has dedicated and enthusiastic professional experience in B2B and B2C business management. She is passionate to develop and deploy different business model to achieve business success.

Roya Zhang | External Relations (Careers & Alumni) | CHINA Center

Manchester Business School | The University of Manchester | Suite 604, 6/F| 1376 Nanjing Road West | Shanghai 200040 | Tel +86 (0) 21 6279 8660*5387 | Fax +86 (0) 21 6279 8658 | roya.zhang@mbs-worldwide.ac.cn

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