
UMW China Centre Graduation Party 2019 Review

日期:2019-12-10 浏览:1443作者:The University of Manchester China Centre

On 4th December evening, Professor Fiona Devine, Head of Alliance Manchester Business School hosted the China Centre Graduation Party 2019 in Modern Art Museum Shanghai, after her visit to the University of Manchester China Centre in the afternoon. Centre Director Ms Sherry Fu, AMBS Professor Arif Khurshed, Associate MBA Director Dr Jiyao Xun also presented in the event, together with around 50 recent graduates (class of 2019 and 2018) celebrating their hard work during two years of MBA studies.

In the beginning of event, Centre Director Ms Sherry Fu extended warm welcome to all the audience. As this year marks the 11th anniversary of the China Centre, she hoped this momentous occasion can refresh some wonderful memories of graduates’ learning journey at Alliance Manchester Business School and its overseas Centre’s. Like she said, “graduation is not the end but the beginning of a new chapter in the relationship between you and the School and of course the China Centre. We feel proud of the quality of our MBA students we attract here and will be actively supporting alumni clubs and chapters for and around you in the China region.”

Later Professor Fiona Devine delivered a keynote speech to congratulate the graduates, sharing that celebrating graduations is one of the most rewarding parts of her role. In her narration of the connections with China, she said, this event represented the close relationship between China, the UK and the University and Business School. She further reviewed the deveopment and success of AMBS and China Centre, witnessing how Global MBA program was voted the ‘The Most Innovative MBA’ by The Best Education of China from 2016 to 2018, and ‘The Most Valued Brand of Business Education’ by Tencent Education in 2019. Apart from giving the appreciation to partnership, she also overviewed new courses in 2020, such as MSc Financial Management course which was also launched at the party.

In the Launching Ceremony, Prof Arif Khurshed, Professor of Finance provided more details about MSc Financial Management including course objective, curriculum design, time schedule, and practical details of the learning outcome. This two-year blended learning course, including online, interactive study and face-to-face workshops, will be taught by one of Europe’s most experienced Accounting and Finance teams and suitable for professionals who are looking to step into a mid-level management role, or those seeking a change of career into the Financial Services sector. “We feel very proud that China Centre is the first overseas Centre to launch the new course of MSc Financial Management, one of the best courses at the University of Manchester and even UK”, said Centre Director Ms Sherry Fu during the ceremony.

Alumni Tuition Benefit

Moreover, Professor Khurshed also mentioned MSc Financial Management would offer special funding scheme with 15% discount for  UoM alumni to encourage our alumni further broaden their horizon as well as developing a wider career progression in the lifetime.

The most exciting moment of the party was conferring the award to graduates with distinction in the year of 2018-2019. After receiving the awards, our distinction students shared their reflection on MBA life and gratefulness to AMBSclick to read testmonials).

The party was also featured with different kinds of activities, such as taking photos of academic dress, writing thank-you note to classmates, leaving message to future MBA students, 3 rounds of Lucky Draw, various kinds of alumni souvenirs and “A Night of Art: Appreciating Bob Dylan Exhibition”, etc.

In the future, China Centre looks forward to keeping a lifelong relationship with all graduates and wishes you every success in the future careers.