In this hot summer, we welcomed 115 new Global MBA students to the UoM China Centre. The inductions for new students were successfully held in Shanghai in the first two weeks in July.
The past few months have been an extraordinary journey for China Centre, for our staff and for myself personally. Our students and alumni have performed exceptionally for APAC Business School Desert challenge by winning the top honor ‘Sha’Ou’ prize. Our alumni – led clubs and activities have been booming with regular topical forums, company visits, special guest talks and etc. We developed new strategic alliances with Chongqing talent market and Sanpower, China’s leading MNC based in Nanjing. The China Centre team have been also involved in 2 mainland CSR projects – ‘Bright Eye’ to help vision-impaired rural area children; and ‘Egg Walkathon’ to raise funds for under-privileged students in Shanghai. I was lucky enough to be selected for the 2nd time as BritCham’s Executive Committee member, to further exert influence of UoM in China. My 3rd book ‘Future Visual Diary’ co-edited with Dr. Xi Feng was published early this year by Zhejiang University Press and launched in Shanghai, Beijing and Changsha in June. Mostly, on behalf of China Centre staff, I would love to extend our sincere gratitude to all workshop tutors who delivered open classes to inspire the eager minds for knowledge in the region.
We are soon celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Centre in the coming year. We are keen to hear about your stories and experience with Alliance Manchester Business School and the China Centre. Please do email your stories to We look forward to hearing from you!
Sherry Fu
China Centre, The University of Manchester