China Centre Alumni Clubs Event

Stock-Flow Consistent Model for Analysis of Monetary Economy and Its Application: Debt, Leverage, Business Cycle and Policies



On 1st July, the China Centre Continue Study Club is inviting Dr. Chen, Visiting Scholar of the UoM to share with alumni on the following topics:

  1. Money, in essence, is a kind of debt which stands for relationship of credit.
  2. How to do macroeconomic analysis and judge direction of policy: A general framework for macroeconomic analysis.
  3. The truth of financial crisis. Will it happen again?
  4. How to balance deleverage and stabilization?
  5. What kind of monetary policy, expansionary or contractionary, needs to be implemented in order to deleveraging?
Should you be interested in the topic, please don't hesitate to join us!

  1. 货币的本质是什么?
  2. 如何进行宏观分析,把握政策动向:宏观分析的一般框架
  3. 金融危机的真相,它还会再次发生吗?
  4. 如何兼顾去杠杆与稳增长?
  5. 去杠杆,应该松货币还是紧货币?
Event Details
Date 日期01st July. 2017 Saturday

Time: 时间

14:00 - 14:30 Registration & Networking
14:30 - 17:00 Forum

Venue: 地址Suite604, UoM Centre, West Offices, 1376 Nanjing Road West

Language:语言Mainly Chinese 中文
RSVP 报名注册
Click Here for RSVP.

About  Speakers: 嘉宾介绍

主讲:陈达飞 博士


Dr. Chen Dafei

Ph. D. of Economics, Fudan University;

Visiting Scholar, University of Manchester;

Assistant of Chief Economist of Orient Securities;

Research fields: Macroeconomic analysis; Monetary theory and business cycle; Post-Keynesian Economics; Stock-Flow Consistent analysis; Liquidity analysis and so on; Published over 10 papers on key domestic and foreign journals;

Writing papers on Caijing, China Times, Pengpai and so on;

Columnist of Lang Club;


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