The UoM China Voice Audition 曼大中国好声音海选 (2017校友年会预热) The 2017 UoM China Alumni Annual Dinner will be held on the evening of 14th January 2017 in Shanghai. More confirmed details will follow in a few days. The UoM China Voice Audition will be held on 18th December 2016. English songs are preferred. 10 alumni Finalists will be selected during the audition and compete at the 2017 alumni Annual Dinner. Each of the 10 finalists will be offered free entrance to the 2017 annual dinner, plus one companion for free as well. One Gold, one Siliver and three Bronze winners will be voted by both guest judges and the rest of the alumni during the Dinner.
Alumni who are passionate on SINGING and interested in the audition, do please come and join. Deadline for registration of the audition is by: 13:00 of 15th December 2016. Please prepare your own accompaniment, as well as others, for example background picture,video (high-resolution, super-large screen and hi-fi are offered at the venue), and dancers.
Looking forward to YOUR VOICE !
2017年度曼大中国校友年会将于2017年1月14日在上海举办。年会详情将于近期公布。作为新年年会预热活动 -首届曼大中国好声音海选将于2016年12月18日在上海举行。英语歌曲优先考虑。海选将选出10位进入决赛,决赛将在1月14日的年会当晚举办。10位入围选手将免2017年度年会门票,更可携带一名嘉宾出席,并获得曼大精美礼品。年会当晚的决赛将由嘉宾评委进行现场点评,并由校友一起投票决出1名冠军、1名亚军与3名季军。 热爱唱歌的校友,尽请注册报名此次海选活动。海选活动报名截止日期为:2016年12月15日下午1点。现场请自备伴奏带,或其他,比如伴舞、背景画面。(海选现场背景有高精度超大屏幕、及音响)