Invited alumni speakers:
Allen Mao 毛建华
Allen Mao is AMBS Jan 2013 intake GMBA alumnus, founder of UoM China Centre alumni continue study club and co-partner of a start-up company. With rich working experiences in fortune 500 companies, Allen has shared the topics such as disruptive innovation, strategy innovation and complex selling at UoM China Centre, well connecting the textbook knowledge to real life practice.
毛建华是2013年1月入学的GMBA校友, 也是曼大中国中心再学习俱乐部发起人,现为创业公司合伙人。拥有在世界500强企业的工作经历,毛建华曾在UoM中国中心分享过颠覆式创新、战略创新、复杂销售等主题,带给大家理论与实战经验的精彩融合。
Aileen Wei 魏海滨
As an active AMBS GMBA alumnus with great passion for marketing, Aileen co-founded UoM China Centre alumni Marketing Club. She has 12 years top executive experience in various multinational companies, and established her own business in digitalization services. She is an expert in marketing, business development, and brand digital transformation, and has led many digitalization projects for various industries including FMCG, Chemicals, Automobiles, Health and Financial Service.
作为一位对市场营销颇有热情的GMBA校友, 魏海滨与校友共同发起了曼大中国中心校友市场俱乐部。拥有12年在国际企业作为高层管理者的工作经历并在数字化领域创建了自己的公司,魏海滨是市场学,业务发展,品牌数字营销变革领域的专家,并给包括FMCG,化工,汽车,健康和金融业在内的行业牵头提供了数字化的方案。