UoM China Centre Alumni Careers and Events



The Dark Side of Personality in Talent Assessment
                       - A Risk Management Approach


在中国,企业中被曝光的不良工作行为日益增多,从不合规、心理健康问题,到粗暴式管理、领导力脱轨。 人格向来与工作绩效和岗位匹配都有关联,因此也是在作录用决定时普遍会考虑的因素。然而,人格“阴暗面”在近几年越来越引起人们的兴趣,它有助于对有潜在风险人格特质的候选人加强风险管理。


  • 不良工作行为(Counter-productive workplace behaviours)及其与“阴暗人格”特质的关联
  • 一个全新的“阴暗面”测评工具——TD-12
  • 筛选职位候选人时的风险管理方法
  • 风险人格评估在中国的案例研究


Businesses in China have witnessed a steady rise in reports of counter-productive behaviours at work - from non-compliance and problems related to mental health, to abusive supervision and leadership derailment.

Personality has long been related to job performance and role fit, and hence is commonly considered when making hiring decisions. However, recent growing interest in the 'dark side' of personality offers an opportunity for improved risk management of applicants with potential counter-productive traits.

The session will cover:

  • Counter-productive workplace behaviours (CWB) and their links to 'dark side' personality traits
  • A new 'dark side' assessment tool, the TD-12
  • The risk management approach to screening job applicants
  • Case studies of personality risk assessment in China

On the 7th June, let's meet at the UoM China Centre, to understand and discuss on this interesting topic.


Event Details
Date 日期7th June. 2017 Wednesday

Time: 时间

18:15 - 18:45 Registration & Networking
18:45 - 20:30 Event

Venue: 地址Lecture Room I, Suite 604, UoM China Centre, West Offices, 1376 West Nanjing Road, Shanghai

Seats: 座位Limited seats. First come, first reserved.
RSVP 报名注册
Click Here for RSVP. First come, first reserved!

About  Speakers: 嘉宾介绍

James Morley-Kirk MSc MBPsS

James先生担任China Select的总监,同时也是一名资深的职业心理学者。他有丰富的人才测评经验,从研发心理测验和在线测评系统,到开展评价中心和人才测评的专业培训。James曾效力于英国皇家军队和从事国际航空行业。他是职业心理学硕士,获得多项心理测量工具的资格认证,而且他还是英国心理学会Associate Fellow。

James is a senior business psychologist and Director of China Select. He has extensive experience in talent assessment, from developing psychometric tests and online test management systems, to running assessment centres and delivering training in talent assessment methods. With careers in the British military and international aviation, James holds an MSc in Occupational Psychology. He is certified in numerous psychometric instruments and is an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society.


External Relations (Careers & Alumni) | CHINA Center

The University of Manchester | Suite 604, 6/F| 1376 Nanjing Road West | Shanghai 200040 | Tel +86 (0) 21 6279 8660 | Fax +86 (0) 21 6279 8658 | alumni@mbs-worldwide.ac.cn

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