Invitation to the Sixth Asian Desert Trail Running for MBAs 第六届亚太地区商学院沙漠挑战赛赛事说明
MBS alumni has joined the Asian Desert Trail Running for MBAs for years, and achieved better results every year since then. The Sixth Asian Desert Trail Running for MBAs will be held in Desert Tengeli on the Labor's Day holiday period in 2017. The Asian Games Committee plans to hold a game description meeting at UoM China Cebtre on 27 Nov.. The Committee hereby sincerely invites MBS students and Alumni to join this challenging, team-work top-game for Asian MBAs. All MBS Alumni or Students are welcome to join. There will be alumni who attended previous events and the Committee members coming to share their experiences.
Join once, you would have life-time friends. JUST DO IT.
(Should you be interested in the event, please get advice from the organizor directly on terms and conditions and responsibilities.)
曼彻斯特商学院中国校友一直积极参与亚太地区商学院沙漠挑战赛(简称‘亚沙’),自参加以来,每年的总成绩排名都在不断提高。 第六届亚太地区商学院沙漠挑战赛,将于2017年五一假期在腾格里沙漠举行。目前亚沙组委会计划于11月27日下午于曼彻斯特商学院中国中心举行赛事说明会。诚挚邀请曼彻斯特商学院校友和学员参加这项体现团队协作、拼搏坚持、挑战自我的亚太地区顶级商学院第一品牌赛事。
亚沙一次,沙友一生。JUST DO IT。